Privacy Awareness - Part 2 of 3

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This post is part of a series. The parts are on the following links: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Throughout history, human beings gradually conquered their freedom, as they realized that being deprived of it was not good. He also realized that the best situation to be manipulated is through ignorance, as it is very convenient to do it when people don't know they are being manipulated.

Many times, nowadays, we don't realize that we are also being manipulated, and even censored, depending on the situation. One way they do this to us is to get as much data as possible from us so that our decisions are influenced by them, so that we invest more and more money in sales and time in certain technologies of certain companies, generating more data, consequently generating more profit. for them and their associates.

And this is wrong, because this data is not only used to improve the product, but to manipulate our decisions to generate more profit for these companies. Our privacy is gradually being hurt in the name of money, so we need to do something. We can start by becoming more aware of privacy and reduce (or stop) using technologies from companies that use their users as objects of profit, or reduce the amount of data they obtain from us.

Using open source (not necessarily free) technologies in this context is ideal as it is auditable and development is community driven. If the developers of these free technologies act in bad faith, the community itself can mobilize to make its version of these technologies without the bad influence of the original developers, thus keeping the community healthy and free from authoritarianism. May we make an effort, starting with ourselves.