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Anderson Rocha Tavares's Picture

Anderson Rocha Tavares

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"William was a great teaching assistant for the Introduction to Programming course at INF-UFRGS: helpful, didactic and proactive. In addition, he has always shown knowledge and curiosity about various subjects in the computing world.

I was honored to know William's Doom mod in early stages, which is a testament to what a competent and productive developer he is."

Eduardo Simoes Lopes Gastal's Picture

Eduardo Simões Lopes Gastal


"William has always been helpful with Introduction to Programming's students during the semester we worked together. The discipline would not be the same without his and other teaching assistants' contributions."

Erika Fernandes Cota's Picture

Érika Fernandes Cota

Email LinkedIn

"William was an excellent teaching assistant: committed, motivated, proactive, attentive to students' needs and competent. In addition, he was always very professional and showed great relationships with colleagues and teachers."

Fernanda Angst Vogt's Picture

Fernanda Angst Vogt


"William was a teaching assistant when I took the Introduction to Programming in C course. He demonstrated a lot of technical knowledge at the same time that he had didactics (and patience) to explain and uncomplicate the content."

Gabriel Barcellos's Picture

Gabriel Barcellos


"Responsible professional with great technical knowledge, great teamwork, easy dialogue and good arguments. Always committed to seeking new knowledge."

Guilherme Grava Ferreira's Picture

Guilherme Grava Ferreira


"I enjoyed working with William. I found him very committed and engaged in doing the best work possible."

Jessica Domingues's Picture

Jéssica Domingues


"Great professional! Very helpful!"

Leonadro Wlach's Picture

Leonardo Wlach


"Despite being inexperienced at the time, William was always hard-working and willing to help the team, in addition to demonstrating good theoretical knowledge whenever necessary."

Maiara Margutti's Picture

Maiara Margutti


"Super competent, dedicated teaching assistant and spared no effort to help students (including the teacher), has an incredible didactic, making subjects of a certain complexity simple to understand, patience to explain (as many times as needed) and his passion for programming made the learning more interesting, it aroused everyone's interest in the area."

Marcela Fernandes's Picture

Marcela Fernandes


"William was my teaching assistant in the Introduction to Programming in C discipline, always very attentive and patient, he fully mastered the content and helped me a lot to understand the knowledge transmitted by the discipline and perform the proposed activities."

Marcelo Feiteiro's Picture

Marcelo Feiteiro


"William is hardworking, proactive and punctual. We took some courses at the Faculty of Computer Science at UFRGS together and he always showed these qualities in the works we did."

Rodrigo Ruas Oliveira's Picture

Rodrigo Ruas Oliveira


"William was an excellent assistant. He is very dedicated and passionate about teaching. He was always willing to improve the material and take several steps forward in reach students."

Thomas Moura's Picture

Thomas Moura


"It was great to work with William. Always very methodical and with great interest in the use of OpenSource solutions for the automation of day-to-day routines, in addition to demonstrating a lot of knowledge in Linux Systems."

Valter Roesler's Picture

Valter Roesler


"William Berrutti undertook a temporary job at UFRGS in the early months of 2024. The job involved implementing the Helios Voting system at the University's Datacenter. I acted as his supervisor. William proved to be a diligent and hardworking worker, successfully completing all his tasks. He demonstrated a high capacity for understanding, critical analysis, and comprehension of his activities, seeking to communicate whenever necessary with the client to define the best alternative solution for any potential issues."

For the LinkedIn testimonials source, please check my LinkedIn profile!