
About Programming

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I think that everyone should learn programming, not only those who are in the technology field, because it makes us think differently and effectively to find solutions, not only for computational problems, but also for problems in various areas of life, and I think that's amazing! Furthermore, in the future, we will have more computing devices, and it will be necessary for people to know how to program, even the basics! Anyone can learn programming, regardless of area of ​​expertise or age group!

When deciding to learn programming, there is a recurring question about which language to learn first, as there are several (in the order of tens of thousands). Each one has its purpose and, many times, the person does not know which direction to take, making this decision difficult.

In practice, when learning programming, the language matters little, because if the principles are learned correctly, the transition from one language to another unfamiliar one will be easy. But learning programming in a language that makes this process enjoyable makes it a lot easier.

For this reason, I believe that Python 3 is the most suitable, since, in addition to approaching natural thinking, it is a syntactically beautiful and practical language to solve the most varied problems involving programming, among them those of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Databases, Scripting, Robotics, Networking, Data Analysis, etc. Furthermore, it is possible to program using different programming paradigms (ways), giving greater freedom to the programmer.