
Blog's Learnings Illustration Image

Last update on: 27 Jan 2023

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The view we have of ourselves is usually not the same as the view that others have of us, especially in the matter of demand. We tend to perceive ourselves more critically because we know our moral weaknesses better than others.


We need to identify mental saboteurs and eliminate them from our lives. There are several, among them: thinking that we are insufficient, charging ourselves too much, thinking excessively about specific aspects of life, being conformed by fear, not taking risks to stay in the comfort zone.


Whenever possible, have time for your friends and family, and don't allow obligations to stop you from spending time with them, as obligations will not be helping you in times of distress and loneliness.


Try to watch over the truth, but always with love, because we don't know who also has the same attitude but doesn't have the same level of perception and knowledge as you.


Do not allow ego influences to harm your friendship relationships, otherwise you will interact with your friends out of interest, not brotherhood.


Be selective, but not too much, so that the imperfections of others don't stop you from getting closer to important people in your life and you don't suffer from loneliness when you need the next one the most.


Be wise in spending time with people. There are some that are not worth our time. Identify friends who really are and spend more time with them, including opening up to them in times of emotional need.


If you need guidance, don't hesitate to ask for help. Don't be so proud that you think you're self-sufficient. Nobody is. Nobody is obliged to know everything, to have all the answers. Nobody has them all. We need each other. We are social beings and we depend on social interactions to live.


Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes is not necessarily bad. Bad is not learning from mistakes. Defeat is part of life. It is with them that we value victories more and learn to have a more fruitful life.


Don't be a perfectionist. The problem with perfectionism is reaching a state that, by definition, can never be reached by imperfect beings like us. Instead, do your tasks as well as possible and notice the quality of the resulting work.


It's perfectly normal for the first few works to be bad. But the more works you do, the more experience you get to do them, and soon the time will come when you'll be able to do quality work more easily, because you've gained experience and learned more. We must not doubt our abilities. We all have potential.


Take time for yourself. By spending time alone, you develop your mind and reflect on life. Loneliness is very attractive, so be careful not to become antisocial and individualistic.


Value the privacy of your data and strive to preserve it in the same way that you value your personal safety and take steps to protect what is valuable to you. In the wrong hands, your data can be used to control you (like putting you in echo chambers, censoring, manipulating, life risks, etc). Avoid companies that exploit user data unscrupulously, or use their technologies very cautiously. There are very good alternative technologies that help preserve privacy and the human identity.


Don't compare yourself to others. We are all different, each with different abilities and situations. Compare yourself with yourself in the past and see if you are making progress. If not, reflect on your life and the moment you are in and try to find out if in fact you are not progressing and what happened for you to be in it. Conversations with people who esteem you will help you understand this better.


Keep your focus on the aspects that you deem most important in your life, so that you don't get anxious about your future or depressed about your past. Take care that what you consider important is not centered on yourself, but rather on God, who is eternal, so that after your death you leave a good legacy to others.


We shouldn't focus too much on the things we don't have, but on the things we have, so that gratitude to God develops in us. If we don't have something, it's possible that we don't need it at that moment. Maybe not even in the future.


Keep an open mind. They find the truth more easily. But not so open as to forget the principles that define the understanding of the human being and of God.


Think outside the box to make the most of your potential for the glory of God. Don't restrict your creativity by the limitations of the environment or the thinking of others. It is necessary to take risks and get out of the comfort zone, as it generates stagnation and future regret for not having enjoyed life better.


Learn to appreciate the simple things in life to live more fully and be more grateful to God, because life is mostly made up of ordinary events, not grandiose events. After all, it's the simple things that matter, because they make us human.


We must know how to prioritize our tasks well and manage the time well on them. We must think about the impact they will have in the short and long term when deciding the amount of time we will invest in them, as we often spend more time on a less important activity instead of a greater one, hampering the progress of the more important ones.


We need to be relaxed to perform our activities well. The more stressed we are, the more likely we are to make mistakes and work poorly.


We should not think that we are out of time to carry out our activities. This is a matter of priority. Obviously, we may have several tasks to do, being necessary to postpone the lower priority ones, but that doesn't mean we're out of time.


Often, we need to "embrace boredom" for our brain to "reset" and "reorganize". We have so many activities that we often don't stop to think, and these moments are vital for the brain to return to a more "neutral" state.


We must not think that everything we say can be misinterpreted. Only those who deliberately misinterpret what we say have bad intentions, even if you express yourself correctly.


We need time to relax. We are not machines. We shouldn't spend too many days in "high performance" mode so that it doesn't generate emotional exhaustion, such as burnout. Our life is not just about work.


We should try to do new things daily to make our days more interesting and less monotonous.